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Our Vision

A riverside with blue sky, sunshine and grass alongside. "Place-based vocational discernment in the public square for the common good"

Our work as a center includes equipping and accompanying students, staff, faculty, and ministry leaders, of all backgrounds, as they engage in place-based vocational discernment in the public square for the common good. These learning partnerships happen through a variety of initiatives that foster learning experiences and creative collaborations.

This work is rooted in the love and call of Jesus, but not exclusive to only those who share a belief in the Christian story. Jesus’ love and call frees us to orient our lives and work towards being neighbor, faithfully. The shared call we seek to align and partner creatively around is the call to be neighbor. 

In order to do this work, CCV fosters meaningful partnerships between Augsburg University and a variety of faith communities, between faith communities and their neighborhoods, and offers Augsburg students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to participate in place-based vocational discernment. If our call from God is to love our neighbor, then every discipline at Augsburg University is a pathway of inquiry into the neighbor’s lived reality. Our diverse community of faculty and students experience the work of vocational discernment by being engaged with it rather than just reading about it. These efforts strengthen faith communities, enhance learning opportunities beyond the classroom for Augsburg faculty and students, and offers unique theological education experiences to existing and potential students at Augsburg University. And ultimately, the fruit of this work becomes the liberating good news of Jesus being experienced in new and urgent ways.

Learn more about CCV’s key initiatives with students, faculty, staff and faith communities.

CCV Key Initiatives


On Campus Collaboration

The Christensen Center for Vocation is part of Augsburg University’s Division for Mission and Identity. This means our work aligns and at times collaborates with Interfaith at Augsburg, Augsburg Campus Ministry and our relationship with Luther Seminary.

Additionally, our center is one of Augsburg’s Centers of Commitment. This means our work often aligns and at times collaborates with the other Centers of Commitment: Sabo Center for Democracy & Citizenship, the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work, and the Center for Global Education and Experience. These four centers share a unique role on campus of fostering off campus relationships that create mutually beneficial learning experiences with Augsburg students, staff, faculty and external learning partners.

  • Sabo Center collaborates with the Cedar-Riverside community and with local non-profits
  • Strommen Center collaborates with local employers
  • Center for Global Education & Experience collaborates with global communities for study abroad and away
  • CCV collaborates with faith communities

Our centers support Augsburg’s commitment to place and to offering educational experiences that intersect with students’ curiosities for being informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders for a dynamic world.