Bing tracking

Monday, September 26, 2016: One hundred days of safety

This week marks a milestone of 100 safe work days on the Hagfors Center construction site. We thank everyone for your help in keeping the construction site and surrounding area safe.


Work expected on the construction work this week includes the following:

  • Concrete pours and columns on the west wing. The concrete pour starts on the second floor of the west wing this week. This work will involve restricting parking along 21st Avenue South to allow for staging of concrete trucks in the area to enable a consistent concrete supply for each pour. Watch for Amail and signage for parking restrictions on campus.As the concrete pours progress, crews will begin to construct the second-story columns on that section of the building.
  • Installation work in the basement. Work in the basement continues for the installation of electrical conduit, piping for wastewater and other plumbing. Concrete block installation, metal stud framing for interior walls, and door frame installation also are in progress. Piping installation will also start to move to the first floor of the north wing this week.
  • Work west of Oren Gateway Center. Installation of steel framing for the screening fence will be the next work to take place west of Oren Gateway, later this fall after the design for the area and fabrication of the materials for the fence are complete.
A view of the Hagfors Center from the south, over the top of Old Main
A view of the Hagfors Center from the south, over the top of Old Main