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Monday, November 21, 2016: Tuesday’s Topping Off Celebration and Skyway Installation Schedule

The beam that was signed by faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members, will be the last beam installed on the Hagfors Center in the topping off ceremony, November 22, 2016.
The beam that was signed by faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members, will be the last beam installed on the Hagfors Center in the topping off ceremony, November 22, 2016.

On Tuesday, November 22, the Augsburg campus community and neighbors will gather to see the last beam being lifted into place on the building. The final beam will be the one signed by students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members at the April groundbreaking ceremony (see photo at right). Tuesday’s event, known as a Topping Off celebration, will begin at 11:30 a.m. Due to the weather forecast for November 22, the ceremony will begin in Hoversten Chapel and move to 21st Avenue South, outside the main gate to the Hagfors Center construction site, to watch the beam being lifted into place. Portions of 21st Avenue South will be closed for this celebration.


Construction work this week includes the following activities:

  • Skyway installation. The steel structure for the skyway is being built, in three sections, on the construction site (see image, below). The skyway is scheduled to be set across 21st Avenue South after Thanksgiving. The work of setting, aligning and bolting the skyway structure in place will begin on Friday, November 25 (contingent on weather), and may continue through Sunday, November 27. Portions of 21st Avenue South may be closed during this work. Notification of the weekend construction work on November 26 and 27 was posted to this site last week.
  • Precast exterior brick. Installation of the precast exterior continues on the east side of the building this week (see image, below). The work will start on the north side of the building after the east side is complete.
  • Third floor of the lobby. The concrete pour for the third-level floor of the lobby area is scheduled this week.
The Hagfors Center construction site Sunday, November 20, showing the structural steel framework for the skyway and the precast brick exterior installed on the east side of the building.
The Hagfors Center construction site Sunday, November 20, showing the structural steel framework for the skyway and the precast brick exterior installed on the east side of the building.