With the continued installation of the pre-cast exterior, window frames and glass, the north wing of the Hagfors Center is looking much like the finished building will look. (See the two photos, at the right, of the east and north sides of the building’s north wing.)
Construction Site Work
Construction work scheduled this week on the Hagfors Center includes the following activities:
- Roof-top mechanical yard. Exhaust fans will be installed this week in the mechanical area on the fourth floor of the north wing — near the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning units that were set into place last week on roof of the north wing (see third photo, at right).
- Fireproofing and roofing. Fireproofing work was substantially completed as of last week. Installation of the the final roofing layer, for both wings, will begin this week.
- Precast exterior brick. Installation of the precast exterior is finishing up on the north side of the west wing and will be wrapping around to the west and south sides of that wing this week. Precast installation may continue on additional Saturdays this month. All Saturday work will be completed within the construction fence. An after-hours work permit is required from the City of Minneapolis for this weekend work, and notification is part of that permit process. Any complaint regarding this work may be submitted to Minneapolis Information and Services at 612-673-3000 or by calling 311 for phones with a 612 area code.
- Window frames and glass. Glass installation continues this week on the first three levels of the north wing.
- Main lobby stairwell. The concrete pour for the stair treads of the main lobby stairwell is scheduled this week.
- Interior work. Drywall installation continues this week in the basement level of the building.