Construction Update
It’s the last week of classes before finals and commencement, which is Saturday, April 29 — the one-year anniversary of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Hagfors Center. Following are updates on the scheduled construction work for the site:
- Street closure beginning May 1. Beginning Monday, May 1, 21st Avenue South is scheduled to be closed to pedestrian and street traffic between South 6th and South 8th streets. The closure, which is required to complete work on the skyway and the intersection of 21st Avenue South and South 7th Street, is expected to last through the summer. The timing of the closure was scheduled to begin after the completion of the spring semester to minimize the impact on the campus. Pedestrians will continue to be able to cross 21st Avenue South to access Anderson and Luther residence halls to the south of the construction site; and vehicles will continue to have access to South 8th Street and the parking lots south of it. Vehicles and pedestrians will also continue to be able to use the north end of 21st Avenue South to access Riverside Avenue, South 6th Street, the driveway adjacent to Oren Gateway Center, and the private home south of Oren. McGough Construction is working with the City of Minneapolis and Augsburg College to finalize the plans. Further updates will be provided in these weekly postings.
Framing of the interior lobby wall. Work has begun on the framing for the two-story elm wall that will be featured in the lobby. The picture at the right shows the progress as of this past Friday, April 14.
- Exterior glass. Installation of the exterior glass is substantially complete (see panoramic photo of the south side of the building, above). Ongoing exterior work involves application of sealants on both the interior and exterior sides of the glass.
- Green roof. The waterproofing work on the green roof above the flexible classroom space is substantially complete. Crews are now conducting flood and other testing to verify that there are no leaks.
Window accent color. Crews are preparing to begin installation of the accent-colored exterior fins on the bump-out windows. These fins extend out from the existing window mullions and increase the impact of the accent colors on the building.
- Electrical yard. Site work has begun on the electrical yard north of the building. Excavation and installation of pier footings for the enclosure are underway. All of this work will be conducted inside the construction fence.
- Interior work. Installation work continues on the two elevators and the casework for the labs. See the photo below of the progress on casework installation in one of the basement labs.