Last week was an exciting one at Augsburg! With events ranging from commencement and baccalaureate to moving-out, there was no shortage of busy activity. And, while students were lifting and loading their belongings out of the dorms, the lifting and loading continued at Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion.
Closure of 21st Avenue South; restricted parking in Lot A. In order to accommodate the next phase of construction, a portion of 21st Avenue South and South 7th Street are now closed to pedestrian and street traffic through the summer. Pedestrians will continue to be able to cross 21st Avenue South to access Anderson and Luther residence halls to the south of the construction site; and vehicles will continue to have access to South 8th Street and the parking lots south of it. Vehicles and pedestrians will also continue to be able to use the north end of 21st Avenue South to access Riverside Avenue, South 6th Street, the driveway adjacent to Oren Gateway Center, and the private home south of Oren. Augsburg also has designated Lot A as construction-related parking only. Special permits are required to park in that lot.
- Skyway. Skyway construction reached a milestone last week as crews finished the insulation and final roofing.
Crews also began installing the framing for the skyway glass and will begin framing for the metal panels on the underside this week. See photos at right.
- Window fins. Noticeable progress has been made on the exterior, as crews have begun installing the colorful
fins on the bump-outs framing the windows, adding a splash of color to the building.
- A bath for the building. Work on the walkways surrounding the building will be underway soon, so crews took this last opportunity to bring heavy equipment and vehicles near the building to give it a quick wash (see photo at right).
- Skip hoist removal. The skip hoist on the north side of the building is scheduled to be removed this week. Exterior finishes in that area will be installed following removal of the skip hoist.
- Hagfors Center coffee shop. Though not immediately apparent from the picture to the right, a new header and framing now provide the basic structure to continue working on the coffee shop that will be located near the skyway entrance on the second level.
- Interior. Laboratory casework is being installed on first level, and painting is underway on both the first and second floors.