Bing tracking

October 23, 2017: Exterior walkway and interior walkthroughs

Sidewalk from 20th Avenue South into campus
With the construction fence removed, the sidewalk from 20th Avenue South provides a path from the west edge of campus to the entrance to the quad.

Construction Site Work

  • East-west walkway. The construction fence has been removed from the Hagfors site, and people are welcome to walk along the new sidewalks that provide an east-west connection to 20th Avenue South (see photo above). Final landscaping and other site work is still underway, so pedestrians are asked to remain on the sidewalks as they traverse through the site.
  • Final walkthroughs and inspections. While crews finish up some final mechanical and electrical work in the fourth-floor labs, McGough Construction continues with final inspections and walkthroughs. The second-floor walkthrough was completed last week, and the third floor is scheduled for this week.
  • Green roof canopy. The green roof has been installed on the canopy above the main entrance (see photo below).
Green roof on canopy over the main entrance.
The canopy over the main entrance to the Hagfors Center now sports a green roof.












  • Skyway and coffee shop. The doors between the skyway and the Hagfors Center have been installed (see photo below, at left). Also installed is the equipment for the coffee shop, which is just inside the building from the skyway (see photo below, at right).
Skyway interior facing the doors to the Hagfors Center
An interior view of the skyway, facing the doors to the Hagfors Center.
Corner coffee shop with counter and equipment
The second-level coffee shop counter and equipment are in place.












  • Flooring. Rubber flooring is in the process of being installed on multiple levels of the building, including the lobby overlook areas (see photo of the third-floor lobby overlook, near the Gundale Chapel entrance, below at left). Epoxy flooring installation is underway in the lower level mechanical room (see photo below, at right).
New floor in upper-level lobby overlook area
Rubber flooring is being installed in corridors throughout the building, including the lobby overlook areas.
Mechanical room with newly installed flooring
The lower level mechanical room flooring installation is in progress.