Volume IV, No. 1 – December 2020
Dear Students, Parents, Alumni, and Friends,
This year has been like no other in the challenges we have faced for our beloved art form of music! Yet, many organizations have found energy and purpose using technology to our advantage. Of course, this is not the same as “live” music, but we can be grateful for the ingenuity we have witnessed.
I am pleased to say that Augsburg’s music faculty and students have risen beautifully to the challenge of ensuring continued rich learning and music making. Faculty have taken classes in effective internet engagement, students have found ways to participate in lessons and ensembles from their rooms and apartments, and our staff have made sure that our building is as safe from potential virus transmission as possible.
Please visit our music department web page to learn of the many exciting things we have done and are continuing to do in the music department and to consider ways you may partake of our work. At the bottom of this message we have included several links that will offer more information on events, including details to share with prospective students about our Music Exploration Evenings (see links below).
In this season of reflection, thanksgiving, and love, I invite you to consider a donation to Augsburg’s Music Department. We are particularly in need of support for entering students from underrepresented populations — many of whom are very talented but lack sufficient resources to come to Augsburg. You can easily give by following this donation link, and selecting the Designation: Music Department.
Thank you, as always, for your interest and support! I invite you to contact me at any time if you have questions or comments.
Within the constraints necessary, I hope you all have a blessed holiday season and time to enjoy the rich expressions of music we all value so much!
Sincerely, and with gratitude,
David E. Myers, Ph.D.
Department Head for Music Studies
- 41st Annual Advent Vespers – A Virtual Service. Friday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. (CST) – Vespers Info & Links
- Music Exploration Evening for prospective students. Monday, Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m. – Registration Link
- Check out the music department Updates blog for stories and announcements.
- Do you follow us on Facebook or Youtube? Join now!