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9th & 10th Grade Augsburg Honor Band

Welcome students, parents and directors! We are looking forward to an exciting day of music making featuring concert band students from the surrounding area.Augsburg Bold image outside of the new Science Building

About the Festival

Date: Saturday, February 4, 2023 – Augsburg University

Highlights include:

  • Honor Band Rehearsals
  • Master classes with Augsburg faculty and local artists
  • Lunch for students and directors
  • Free afternoon concert
  • A living composer experience with Erika Svanoe and her music for band

Cost: $30 per selected student
Parents: Join us for the free concert at 4 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel, Augsburg University
Directors: Sit in on rehearsals, attend master class, join us for lunch

Overview & Important Dates

9-10th Grade Honor Band

  • Nominations due, December 1
  • Notifications, December 14

Any current 9th or 10th grade musician who has skill in performing on a band instrument (woodwind, brass, percussion, or double bass) is eligible to be nominated for the festival by their band director. Directors must complete and send the Director Nomination Form. After nomination forms are reviewed, the Augsburg faculty will notify directors, and selected participants will receive music and additional information about the festival.

Grade 9-10 Honor Band Director:
Erika Svanoe, DMA, 612-330-1597

Festival Schedule (approximate)

8:00 a.m., Check in – Hoversten Chapel Atrium, Foss Center (entrance on 22nd Ave. S)
8:15 a.m., Find seats and warm up in rehearsal locations
8:30 a.m., Rehearsal
10:00 a.m., Break
10:15 a.m., Rehearsal
11:30 a.m., Lunch
12:30 p.m., Masterclasses with Augsburg Faculty
1:30 p.m., Rehearsal
3:45 p.m., Break/prep for concert
4 p.m., Concert Begins, Hoversten Chapel in the Foss Center

Additional Information & Requirements

Do you need to be vaccinated to participate or attend this event?
No. vaccination is not a requirement for this event.

Do I need a permit to park on campus?
No Permit is required to parking in Lot L and Lot D on 2/4/23. Campus maps have been included below, and more information about additional parking options for music events can be found here.
