After several years of work and data compilation, we are pleased to announce that Augsburg University’s Department of Business Administration has recently been awarded ACBSP accreditation for both our undergraduate and MBA programs!
Founded in 1988 as the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (now Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs), ACBSP is a specialized accrediting body for business education. Focused on the quality of student learning, it is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). ACBSP’s accreditation concentrates on recognizing teaching excellence, determining student learning outcomes, and a continuous improvement model. Its student-centered teaching and learning approach, which is measured and analyzed for quality, ensures that students gain the right skills from their educational investment. Evaluation standards include leadership, strategic planning, student and stakeholder focus, student learning assessment, faculty focus, curriculum, and business unit performance.
Augsburg is committed to continuous assessment and improvement to ensure that our business program will give our students the skills employers want. Thank you for your support and for being part of our community!
Our own Master of Music Therapy student, Erin Fox, featured on KARE11 News sharing her experience with working as a music therapist in hospice during the COVID-19 epidemic: “I think we are in the process of discovering strengths that we didn’t know we had.” Thank you for your meaningful work, Erin.
Augsburg students, faculty, and alumni led a large quantity of the presentations. Augsburg Professional and Graduate Studies are proud of our students and their contributions to their field of study. Congratulations.
October 18, 2019 – MINNEAPOLIS, MINN: On October 28, 2019, Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) students who the recently closed Argosy University, will continue their PsyD studies at Augsburg. We are thrilled to have these students and this program within our Division of Professional and Graduate Studies. Welcomed are the PsyD faculty who will be working with these students throughout their completion of their degrees:
Margit Berman
Dr. Berman will be teaching PRP 823 – Practicum III – Therapy and PRP 831 – Advanced Practicum I beginning October 28. Dr. Berman has a Ph.D. in counseling and social psychology from the University of Minnesota. She is currently assistant professor of psychiatry at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and was an associate professor of clinical psychology at the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University. Berman conducts research on intervention development in women’s mental health, and was a recipient of the 2015 Hitchcock Foundation Scholars Career Development award for her research and development of the Accept Yourself! intervention for women with obesity and depression. Learn more about Margit
Jeffrey Brown
Dr. Brown will be teaching PRP 703 – Professional Issues: Ethics, Conduct, and the Law and PRP 712 – Professionalization Group II. Dr. Brown was an Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Training in the Clinical Psychology program in the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University, Twin Cities. He was involved in the clinical psychology program since 2007. He also was an assistant professor at St. Mary’s University of MN in Minneapolis, MN. Previously, he served as adjunct professor at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, MN. Brown received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Fielding Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA. in 2003. He completed his Master’s in Education –Guidance and Counseling through the University of Wisconsin, River Falls, WI in 1981 and was licensed as a psychologist in 1983. Learn more about Jeffrey.
Mark Carlson-Ghost
Dr. Carlson-Ghost will be teaching PRP 801 – Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Therapy. Dr. Carlson-Ghost has conducted humanistic and CBT-oriented psychotherapy with individuals, groups, and couples in community mental health settings for over thirty years. During this time, he also supervised various clinical programs serving individuals with serious and persistent mental illness or co-occurring mental health and chemical health concerns. Carlson-Ghost has presented widely on topics including couples’ psychotherapy, clinical supervision, and the interface of spirituality and mental health. He has written a book chapter on the history of psychology and has research interests in the area of continuing bonds in bereavement. Learn more about Mark.
MINNEAPOLIS, MINN – Licensed public school teachers can now come to Augsburg in order to receive a Master of Arts in Education for 30-31 credits. This degree option may open pathways for already licensed teachers in Minnesota to earn an additional $7,000 annually. MEA (Minnesota Educators Association) is coming up Thursday, October 17, 2019. Augsburg will have a table with information about this new option. Come find us!
This program invites students to engage in critical discourse relevant and pertinent to their own socio-cultural context, integrating relevant knowledge to address the problems they identify and wish to address. As we are all life-long learners, our faculty partner with students in collective searches and re-searches for insight and shared meaning.
MINNEAPOLIS, MINN – “Business Department Chair Jeanne Boeh has been named the Sundquist Endowed Professor of Business Administration, beginning September 2019.
Inaugural Sundquist Endowed Professorship of Business Administration. The Sundquist Professorship supports Business Administration, Augsburg’s largest academic department with the most undergraduate majors on campus. Boeh, a professor of economics, has been teaching at Augsburg since 1990 and often appears in media interviews and on business panels given her talent for bringing complex business concepts to life.” Read the full article
September 3, 2019 – MINNEAPOLIS, MINN: The Department of Social Work has added the option to acquire the Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counseling (LADC) credential to the Master of Social Work (MSW). The development of this credential was supported by an Augsburg 2019 Innovation Fund Grant to Laura Boisen, Lois Bosch, and MSW Program Coordinator, Emily Glynn. The program, at this time, is targeted toward Augsburg University MSW Multicultural Clinical Concentration students. The three additional courses will be offered starting in Summer 2019. The credential will also requires an expanded field practicum of 880 hours to accommodate the LADC field placement requirement. Of the 880 hours, 500 hours are currently required for the MSW.
Introducing new faculty within the Division of Professional Studies! Augsburg University fall 2019 courses have commenced, and this the beginning of a new school year, we welcome:
Tara Mader, PhD
Tara Mader
Assistant Professor in our Health and Physical Education department. Dr. Mader will be teaching HPE 104 – Components of Fitness Training, HPE 205 – Introduction to Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science, and BIO 130 – Human Anatomy and Physiology. Dr. Mader’s educational and research interests include Exercise as Medicine, Impacts of Disease and Aging on Musculoskeletal health and function, Learning Assessment and Evaluation, Interdisciplinary Course Design, and Active Learning Strategies in Science and Exercise. Learn more about Tara.
Juyoung Lee, PhD
Juyoung Lee
Assistant professor in the Music Therapy program. Dr. Lee will be working with MMT Equivalency Plus students on practica and advising. Her clinical practice occurred in community-based settings such as a pediatric hospice, adult day-service facilities, and aged care services. Her research focuses on people with intellectual disabilities, community music therapy, and inclusion and diversity. Dr. Lee regularly publishes her research and presents at both national/international music therapy conferences. Learn more about Juyoung.
Soebin Jang, PhD
Soebin Jang
Assistant professor in the Business department. Dr. Jang will be teaching BUS 242 – Principles of Management and BUS 362 – International Business. His research interests include corporate social responsibility, meaningful work, servant leadership, and organization development and change. He has published his research in the Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, Human Resource Development Quarterly, and Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. Learn more about Soebin.
August 23, 2019 – MINNEAPOLIS, MINN: The twenty-third cohort of the Physician Assistant Studies program graduated at the end of August. These students have successfully made it through 27 months of didactic and clinical training. The ceremony took place at Hoversten Chapel on Friday, August 23rd and was an excellent commemoration of the students’ path leading them to this point. Graduates were addressed by several individuals including Commencement Speaker Vinh Dang, PA-C and Student Representative Nathan Kleppe. -Story from Augsburg PA website. Click here for the full story.
APSI participants sitting in Sateren Auditorium where Jeremy Updike welcomes 209 teachers and consultants to Augsburg.
June 18, 2019 – MINNEAPOLIS, MINN: In June, Augsburg University hosted 209 teachers in 13 different workshops — a significant increase to the number of teachers who have participated in an Advanced Placement Summer Institute (APSI) at Augsburg. APSIs offer the most intensive professional development available for AP educators. This year, science workshops were hosted in the Hagfors Center. The 209 teachers work in the US and the following countries: Canada, China, Ecuador, Israel, Kenya, Myanmar, Nigeria and South Korea. In addition to these workshops, Augsburg also hosted a workshop for AP Coordinators. AP coordinators assume primary responsibility for organizing and administering the AP programs at their schools. Augsburg’s workshop filled within 10 days of opening for registration with 30 Coordinators in attendance.