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Convocation Series 2016-17

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jim-wallisAugsburg College’s annual convocation series offers the community meaningful opportunities to engage with contemporary issues and to hear from speakers who are renowned in their fields.

In September, the series kicked off with the Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium featuring bestselling author, public theologian, and social activist Jim Wallis and his presentation, “The Bridge to a New America.” Wallis is president and founder of Sojourners, a nonprofit, faith-based organization whose mission is to put faith into action for social justice.

In November, the Center for Wellness and Counseling Convocation welcomed kristin-neffKristin Neff, an education psychologist and associate professor of human development and culture at the University of Texas at Austin. Her presentation was titled, “Self-Compassion: How to be an Inner Ally Rather than an Inner Enemy.”

Save the date

Join us on Monday, Jan. 16, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation.

All events are free, public, and held in the Foss Center. For detailed information, go to

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