We reached out across our social media channels to gather stories about how Augsburg community members show their Auggie pride. Here are some of their photos and responses:
We had karaoke at our wedding (2022) and A.J. Bohler ’12 requested and played the Auggie fight song! Many Auggie alumni were at our wedding, and we had a great time shouting the fight song. It was unexpected and very fun. I love my fellow Auggies! —Elisabeth (Clemans) Habisch ’11 via Facebook

I tell people my daughter goes there every chance I get. Maya Merritt ’24 is part of @augsburgswimdive among other things, including band. —@sweetsoulvinyl via Instagram
Auggie Pride! —Sarah Kyllonen via Instagram

Showing our Auggie colors at every game!!! #WinFromWithin —Krista Santillana via Facebook

This is how I show my Auggie Pride. —Gerald Shepherd Jr. ’24 via Instagram
I try to give back what generosity and support I was given during my academic career. I went from being homeless to being one of three air toxic scientists in the state of Minnesota. Anything is possible! —Derek King ’17 via LinkedIn
My Augsburg education prepared me to take on the world at an international level—Italy just happened to be my first stop. As an alumnus, you learn that one never stops being a responsible leader and thoughtful steward, especially when being introduced to new cultures. —Nathan Olson ’23 via email
Photos of myself and my family spreading the Augsburg brand on Kenyan soil, including proud Auggie Dad at a school function in Kakamega, Kenya. —Brandon Gohole ’25 via Instagram
For more engagement opportunities, Auggie updates, and event highlights, follow us on social media:
@AugsburgU on Twitter
@augsburguniversity on Instagram
@Augsburg University on Facebook
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Top image: Auggies cheer at the Homecoming football game, October 2022. (Photo by Courtney Perry)