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Convocation Series 2013-14

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First held in 1990, the Augsburg College Convocation Series is an annual speaker series that incorporates longstanding endowed and special programs. This winter, the 26th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation honored one of the United States’ visionary civil rights leaders with song. T. Mychael Rambo and Brian Grandison hosted the event, “Music for Martin.”

In February, the Batalden Seminar in Applied Ethics featured Sister Peggy O’Neill, president and director of Centro Arte para la Paz in Suchitoto, El Salvador. Her presentation was titled, “Awakening to the Reality of a Crucified World: Discovering What It Means to Be Human.”

The Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Lecture in April featured Bonnie L. Bassler, professor in molecular biology at Princeton University, whose presentations included “Tiny Conspiracies: Cell-to-Cell Communication in Bacteria” and “Manipulating Quorum Sensing to Control Bacterial Pathogenicity.” The annual Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Lecture series brings renowned scientists to campus to share their expertise with the Augsburg community, the College’s aspiring scientists, and members of the larger scientific community.

To find out more about the Augsburg Convocation series, go to

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