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Spring 2014

The Heart of Minneapolis

The Heart of Minneapolis

Since 1872, Augsburg—and many Auggies—have called Minneapolis home. The history of the College is interwoven tightly with that of Mill City and its vibrant Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. These… more >

Losar: Tibetan New Year celebration

Losar: Tibetan New Year celebration

Augsburg was the site of a historic event

March 2 when it hosted the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota’s Losar celebration in Si Melby Hall. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama presided over this Tibetan New Year… more >

Community engagement, competition, & cultural learning

Community engagement, competition, & cultural learning

It’s easy to say that students at Augsburg College are interested in the world around them and that they strive to make a difference by serving their neighbors. It… more >

On the job

On the job

Young alumni value networks formed and opportunities at Augsburg College

As excitement and anticipation grow regarding the campaign for the Center for Science, Business, and Religion, Augsburg’s newest alumni can articulate why studying at a college that emphasizes thinking… more >

The temperature’s rising

The temperature’s rising

As we expectantly watch outdoor temperatures climb this spring, the Augsburg community has seen the mercury rise on another attention-drawing gauge. The fundraising thermometer for the campaign for the… more >

Finding meaning in work

Finding meaning in work

The value of a college education is greater than it’s been in nearly 50 years. This is the key finding of a 2014 Pew Research Center study, which showed… more >

New bachelor’s degree program for working professionals

New bachelor’s degree program for working professionals

Augsburg is rolling out a new, evening bachelor’s degree program for working professionals beginning fall 2014. It will be offered in a flexible, hybrid-learning format, combining traditional weeknight… more >

Book proceeds to benefit Augsburg College

Book proceeds to benefit Augsburg College

Book describes Augsburg professor’s heritage as Norwegian immigrant Author Phillip Formo’s new book, Papa: A Life Remembered, describes the experiences of his grandfather, Andreas Helland, a Norwegian immigrant… more >