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Augsburg College hits $50 million campaign goal for new, signature academic building

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Augsburg College has successfully surpassed the $50 million mark in its capital campaign for a unique, interdisciplinary academic building that brings together science, business, and religion. The campaign—the largest in the College’s history—met its goal a year in advance of the original schedule.

With the campaign fundraising milestone achieved, the Augsburg College Board of Regents approved moving forward with the next stage of architectural and construction design for what will be the College’s state-of-the-art, signature academic building. Once that design work is completed, the Board will set a timeline for groundbreaking and construction.

csbr wet viewThe College already has begun the planning and preparation necessary to make the new building a reality. Examples of this collaborative effort include the following:

  • A Board-designated project leadership team is selecting an architect who will work with the College to verify that the building meets the needs of academic programs in order to create detailed interior and exterior drawings.
  • Augsburg readied the future site of the building by razing two existing houses on 21st Avenue South. Read more
  • Faculty members are using grant funds to design new, interdisciplinary courses and to revise existing classes to better integrate the science, business, and religion subject areas.
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