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Research, study, and offer your two cents

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Star Wars vs Star Strek Aug NowIn March 2015, Melissa Motl, circulation coordinator in Augsburg’s Lindell Library, started posing questions to students on a whiteboard as a way to gain more information about how students use and view the library. She asked questions like, “What can you get at the library that you can’t get anywhere else?” and “What would you like to see the library do differently?” It garnered such great feedback that she decided to continue asking questions as a fun and interesting way to find out more about Auggies.

“We have some really creative and thoughtful students here at Augsburg, and I think that’s why we always get great responses. Some are thoughtful, and some are silly or witty,” said Motl.

One of Motl’s favorite questions so far has been, “Star Wars or Star Trek?”

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