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Notes from the Alumni Board

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DJill Watsonear alumni and friends,

As my second year as Alumni Board President comes to a close, I look back on the past several months with gratitude for what the Alumni Board has accomplished. We hope you have enjoyed recent alumni events, both on campus and off.

At the start of my tenure, when I challenged the Alumni Board to change, not a little, but a lot, everyone stepped up to the plate and went to work. Today the board maintains more committees with fewer people on each, operates with clearly defined goals for each committee, and sustains a high level of engagement. We’ve also partnered with staff throughout the College to increase the board’s effectiveness and relevance.

The Alumni Board continues to seek new pathways to connect with students, whether through mentoring, visiting classrooms, or simply sharing tips on LinkedIn. Students have said they enjoyed taking part in a Homecoming lunch last fall where they had the chance to share a table with distinguished alumni who pursued similar fields of study. We also held another successful Auggie Networking Experience in February, and if you couldn’t make it to campus, you’ll find some tips for reluctant networkers in another story in this issue.

In June, we transition board leadership. I’d like to welcome Nick Rathmann ’03 as Alumni Board President for the 2017-19 term. He is full of energy, has a passion for Augsburg, and is a dynamic leader with innovative ideas to take the Alumni Board even further. He is the athletic director at The Blake School, a longtime supporter of Augsburg as a member of the A-Club, and an all-around amazing volunteer. The Alumni Board is in great hands under his leadership.

I’d also like to recognize Greg Schnagl ’91, who has led our Networking Committee for the past two years. His passion for creating meaningful connections between students and alumni has helped make the Auggie Networking Experience event bigger and better.

I recently moved away from the Twin Cities for work, and I am so pleased to see alumni events scheduled across the U.S. more often. In the past two years, alumni gatherings have occurred in Denver, Las Vegas, Raleigh, Washington, D.C., and other cities. If you’re in the Minneapolis area, we hope to see you at some of this summer’s exciting alumni events!

Jill Watson ’10 MBA, Alumni Board President

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