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2016 – 2017 annual report to donors

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When you give to Augsburg, you aren’t just supporting a private university—you’re paving the way for students to make a living, make a life, and make a community. The impact of your generosity can be seen in the lives of thousands of students who are now embracing financial security, finding their vocation, and following their calling.

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As of May 31, 2017, Augsburg University’s endowment had annual realized and unrealized gains of 12.19 percent. The five-year average annual return on the endowment is 8.21 percent, and the 10-year average annual return is 4.34 percent. The University is committed to maintaining the value of the principal to provide support to Augsburg in perpetuity.



Expenses by category and revenue by source information


Your philanthropy is creating an Augsburg that will be sustainable, faithful, and relevant long into the future.

Thanks to you and other committed friends, Augsburg is preparing students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to serve and lead in our communities, schools, places of worship, and businesses. During fiscal year 2016-17, more than 9,300 individual donors gave $17,216,961 through cash gifts, pledges, and planned gifts. Augsburg Fund supporters provided the University with more than $1.1 million in unrestricted, discretionary funds to improve the student experience.


Make a Living

Joe Tadros ’98, ’17 MBA - Shika Addo Memorial Scholarship
Joe Tadros ’98, ’17 MBA. Shika Addo Memorial Scholarship.

When juggling the rigors of family life, owning three businesses, and coaching high school sports, starting a graduate program might not hit the top priority list for many people. But for Joe Tadros ’98, ’17 MBA, the benefits of pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree to further his career and build greater financial security for his family were worth the effort. “My graduate experience was an eye opener. It reminded me where I came from, and where I wanted to be in the future,” said Tadros. “My classmates had unique abilities and talents, and I learned so much from them.” Tadros now serves as a guest lecturer for Augsburg finance classes, sharing life lessons with undergraduates. With his degree, and your gifts, he looks to the future with confidence, knowing that his kids will be well provided for and that his impact will extend beyond his career.

Make a Life

Kevin Tran ’18. Leland and Louise Sundet Scholarship.
Kevin Tran ’18. Leland and Louise Sundet Scholarship.

As a shy, small-town kid, Kevin Tran ’18 would never have believed it had someone told him that as a college student he would become a board member for three student organizations, travel abroad with the choir, work as an intern for US Bank, and volunteer in the community in his free time. Tran began to really come out of his shell by living his life through the Auggie experience. “When I came [to Augsburg], I didn’t know what to expect. In high school, I was just really all about my work. Augsburg exposed me to who I am supposed to be … I became more independent, more knowledgeable, more vocal, and more myself.” Because of you, Tran has found his calling and is planning to pursue his dream by working in marketing for the entertainment industry in Los Angeles.


Make a Community

Alexa Anderson ’19. Mabeth Saure Gyllstrom Scholarship Dorothy Lijsing Kleven President’s Scholarship in Choral Music.
Alexa Anderson ’19.
Mabeth Saure Gyllstrom Scholarship
Dorothy Lijsing Kleven President’s Scholarship in Choral Music.

Singing, studying, social work, public policy, and reconstructing the criminal justice system. These are among the top priorities for Augsburg student Alexa Anderson ’19. Anderson may be a proud member of the Honors Program and Augsburg vocal ensembles, but the deeper she dives into her studies as a social work major, the more motivated she has become to change her community through restorative justice. “Augsburg has completely changed me as a person, specifically regarding how I view my role as a member of a community,” she said. “Before coming here, I didn’t understand how important being an active member of a community was. Through my classes, volunteering, internships, and living in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, I now believe that in order for a community to succeed, its members must act and live in a way that encourages understanding, acceptance, and unity.”

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