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Pieces of History: Local Artists’ Work on Lake Street in Minneapolis

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After the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and protests calling for justice in Minneapolis and around the nation, Molly Montana ’23 went to Lake Street to capture the work of local artists that emerged on walls and plywood boards covering the windows of numerous businesses. “I wanted to tell the story of the pain and rage that people of color have felt,” she said about the images she captured for a photography class project. “I wanted to capture something meaningful, and these displays were just that. They are a piece of history.”


Maya Angelou painting mural with quote "You may write me down in history with your bitter twisted lies, trod me in the very dirt, but still like dust I'll rise."
Maya Angelou mural

"Say Her Name" mural "Stay Safe" mural "It's time to evolve as a species" mural "Black Lives Matter" mural "Daddy Changed the World" - George Floyd's daughter mural George Floyd mural BLM- Say his Name mural in front of a grocery store "Embrace Hope" mural"A determined spirit can never be broken" mural quote, and "The time is always right to do what is right" - MLK mural George Floyd painting mural with words "No justice No peace" BLM mural "Be the change you wish to see in the world" quote muralBLM and Lgbtq flag mural along with a Black woman mural next to it with the words "Stop killing us" George Floyd mural Mural artBlack Lives Matter mural art BLM mural Unity mural

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