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What’s your favorite spot on campus?

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“One of my favorite places to be was at the benches in front of Hagfors.” —Wyatt Vessey ’22 via email

“Basement of the Lindell Library! Best place to study!” —Stephanie Quick Espinoza ’01, ’20 MBA via Facebook

“My favorite place at Augsburg? The penalty box at Ed Saugestad Rink, especially an hour before an Auggie men’s or women’s hockey game. It’s quiet and peaceful (and, admittedly, cold!). Definitely different than during the exciting action of a game.” —Don Stoner, Augsburg sports information director, via Twitter

“Two of my favorite spots (are in Murphy Square). Taken at the beginning of fall semester ’22.” —Luke Schoper ’23 via Twitter

“The quad” —Emily (O’Connell) Mireault ’18 via Twitter

“Augsburg Men’s Hockey Locker Room. Second favorite: Smiley’s working for Don Stoner late nights during web 1.0. Third: Commons between Urness and Mort. Fourth: Missy Strauch’s training room.  Fifth: John Cerrito, Milo Schield, Nora Braun, and others’ offices. Need I continue?” —Paul Putt ’99, ’15 MAE via Twitter

“Easily the Hagfors Center hands down!” —Ethan Croll ’23 via Instagram

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