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Spring-Summer 2020

New Augsburg Pastors Installed

New Augsburg Pastors Installed

At a special chapel service during the January 2020 Augsburg University Board of Regents meeting, Bishop Ann Svennungsen of the Minneapolis Area Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America… more >

The Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology Degree Launches to Meet Growing Demand

The Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology Degree Launches to Meet Growing Demand

This past November, the university introduced its second doctoral program: a Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology. Augsburg’s first, the Doctor of Nursing Practice, began in 2010. Augsburg worked… more >

Rick Steves Partners with Augsburg’s Center for Global Education and Experience

Rick Steves Partners with Augsburg’s Center for Global Education and Experience

Plan ahead for travel to Guatemala

When well-known travel author, activist, and media personality Rick Steves went to Central America to film segments for his new public television special, “Hunger and Hope: Lessons from Ethiopia… more >

Hearst Foundation Awards Augsburg $75,000 for LEAD Fellows Program

Hearst Foundation Awards Augsburg $75,000 for LEAD Fellows Program

LEAD Fellows, a program of Augsburg University’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, this winter received $75,000 from the Hearst Foundation, Inc. to support students as they pursue… more >

Urban Investors Finds New Home at Augsburg

Urban Investors Finds New Home at Augsburg

Last November, Augsburg University’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship and the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work welcomed a new campus partner: Urban Investors. Formerly known as Urban Adventure… more >

Honoring Retiring Faculty

Honoring Retiring Faculty

Several faculty members are entering retirement following years of dedicated service to Augsburg University. Augsburg is grateful for their commitment to advancing the university’s mission and supporting student learning… more >

2019–20 Convocation Series Speakers

2019–20 Convocation Series Speakers

The Augsburg University Convocation Series is an annual speaker series that includes long-standing endowed and special programs. Recent presenters included: DeAnna Cummings, chief executive officer of Juxtaposition Arts, who… more >

Augsburg Senior Scholar Published in Time Magazine

Augsburg Senior Scholar Published in Time Magazine

Harry Boyte, senior scholar of public work philosophy at Augsburg’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, co-wrote an article that was published in Time magazine. Boyte’s piece… more >

In Memoriam, Spring–Summer 2020

In Memoriam, Spring–Summer 2020

Clarence T. Hoversten ’41, Hendricks, Minnesota, age 101, on November 6. Eileen M. Quanbeck ’46, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, age 95, on January 27. Dorothy C. (Quanbeck) Johnson ’48, North… more >