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A note to the editor

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By Larry Green ’70

Archive photo of Augsburg filmmakers“I found the ‘Lights, camera, and action’ feature in the fall 2008 Augsburg Now very interesting. This photograph was taken in the Augsburg Art Studio in the early 1970s during a session of a hands-on class teaching 16mm filmmaking with synchronized sound. As a student from 1965-1970, I had a work-study job showing films and doing photography working for Robert Zeller, who at that time was director of instructional services. He is the first person whom I recall to have taught a course in film studies at Augsburg. Warren Hanson, John Mitchell, and Larry Glenn (left to right in the photo) were all students in the course taught by local filmmaker Paul Rusten. Warren was a registered student. As John was a faculty member and I was director of the audio-visual center, we were invited to participate in the class without receiving credit.”

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