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It takes an Auggie

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Scholarships that honor faculty

Augsburg faculty support students in many ways. In addition to sharing their knowledge and experience in the classroom, they advise students, help them connect with alumni and others outside the College, and often establish lasting friendships with their students.

One very significant way faculty support Augsburg students is through faculty-named scholarships. At present, 10% of Augsburg’s scholarship donors are current and former members of the faculty, and last year those scholarships provided nearly $60,000 in financial aid directly to students.

Here are stories of four students who received scholarships created by or in honor of Augsburg faculty. In addition to the financial support from scholarships, these students have been aided along their paths by faculty who have enriched their experiences at Augsburg.

Keeping students on track

Raymond Kidd ’09 transferred to Augsburg to study music business. As a student, he always felt supported and challenged by the Augsburg faculty and staff. He said Brenda Hemmingsen, office manager in admissions, literally took him by the hand and led him to his classes on his first day. “All relationships here are like that,” Kidd said. “My professors lifted me up … they challenged me to ask questions and to explore.”

John and Peggy Cerrito, faculty members in business administration, played a major role in bringing Kidd to Augsburg. “Peggy helped me get here, advised me what to do and where to go, and kept me on track,” Kidd says. The Cerritos also started the Amin E. Kader Business Scholarship, which Kidd received this year.

“An extra dollar goes a long way for a [college] student,” Kidd says. “It meant I could live more comfortably and take care of everyday needs so I could focus on being a good student.”

After graduation, Kidd plans to work and save money for graduate school.

Fostering student development

Kathleen Herling and Robert KarlénFor Kathleen Herling ’09,a music therapy major from Onalaska, Wis. and recipient of the Robert Karlén Scholarship, studying at Augsburg allowed her to identify and explore her passion for helping others with music.

Herling wanted to study music but was not interested in teaching or performing. Her high school piano teacher suggested music therapy, a career she hadn’t considered. “It sounded like a good fit,” Herling said.

As a student, Herling played clarinet in the Augsburg band and orchestra. She’s enjoyed performing and working with the music department faculty. “They are always there to help.”

Herling met Robert Karlén, professor emeritus of music at Augsburg, at the brunch for donors and scholarship recipients held each spring. She invited Karlén and his family to her senior clarinet recital. “I was happy to share my hard work with him.”

To complete her degree requirements, Herling is participating in an internship at a geriatric facility in Dayton, Ohio, this summer. She was introduced to geriatric therapy through her practica experiences at Augsburg and likes the field because of the slower pace. “I get more time with clients,” she said. “I can hear their stories and really get to know them as people.”

The Robert Karlén Scholarship was created by merging smaller music scholarships to honor Robert Karlén’s distinguished career, with the leadership of Robert Karlén and Merilee Klemp.

Defining the student experience

Sarah Black, Jeanne Boeh and Bernhard Fleming

Sarah Black ’09, an economics major from Cottage Grove, Minn., received the Professor Jeanne Boeh and Mr. Bernhard Fleming Economics Scholarship. This scholarship was established in 2005 to encourage students seeking an economics degree. Boeh has been a faculty member at Augsburg since 1990.

Though Boeh was not Black’s official faculty adviser, the two did talk often about Black’s education and career goals. “Dr. Boeh doesn’t give general advising,” Black said. “It’s personalized. She really got to know me and worked with me to define my experience.” Black also appreciated the relevant, real world examples Boeh brought to the classroom.

Black received the scholarship prior to her semester abroad in Ecuador. As a middle-income student, she didn’t qualify for need-based financial aid but needed additional funding for her study abroad. Black is grateful for the “phenomenal experience” she had in Ecuador and for the opportunity to learn about non-traditional economic development in another country.

In addition to her semester in Ecuador, Black participated in a short-term study abroad program in the Czech Republic and Poland with Stuart Stoller, associate professor of accounting. She was also an orientation leader, served on student government, and worked in a variety of offices on campus.

Black hopes to attend graduate school to study applied economics or public policy.

Helping student succeed

Shonna Fulford and a scholarship donor

The Augsburg faculty did more than teach Shonna Fulford ’09, a political science major from Perham, Minn. They helped her achieve her dreams. “They are truly there to teach you what they know, to let you discover things you may never have otherwise, and to help you succeed in everything you want to do.”

Fulford said she never felt like a burden to her professors and believed they were always glad to assist her. “They have helped me by just being there, ready and waiting, to help each and every student that walks through their door.” At Augsburg, Fulford was the welcome desk supervisor in Christensen Center, was involved in student government, served as an orientation leader, and was elected Homecoming queen.

“It means so much to me that there are people and organizations out there that give to students and encourage us to finish our schooling,” said Fulford. She received the Myles Stenshoel Scholarship, established by professors Norma Noonan and Myles Stenshoel for upper-class students pursuing careers in political science.

After graduation, Fulford plans to attend graduate school. She said her dream job would be to return to Augsburg as the dean of students or vice president of student affairs.

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