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The student phonathon – dialing for Augsburg dollars

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On any given night, alumni and friends of Augsburg might receive a call from a student who is working to secure donations to The Augsburg Fund.

We asked some of the student callers to share their experiences and knowledge with our readers.

picture of Chris FlemingChris Fleming ’12

Psychology/Sociology major, Spanish minor

First year as a student caller

Q. What would you like students and alumni to know about giving back to Augsburg?

A. When you do become an alum, remember that while you were in school someone

made a way for you to get through college. Remember to always give back to the community

that gave to you. I know we all say, “Well I will come back to visit and volunteer my time,” but sometimes you must go beyond. If you dig deep to give a few dollars to support another student, they will be able to give back when they graduate. It’s a domino effect.

picture of Elisabeth ClemansElisabeth Clemans ’11

Social work major, psychology minor

Has been a caller for four years

Q. Why should alumni and friends support The Augsburg Fund?

A. I am a recipient of financial aid at Augsburg, so I want to thank all the alumni, parents, and friends who give to The Augsburg Fund. It’s really important for students like me because every gift increases the percentage of alumni who give back. That makes the College more reputable and helps me get a job after I graduate!

Picture of Pa Dao YangPa Dao Yang ’11

Sociology major

Has been a caller for four years

Q. What have you learned about Augsburg through this work?

A. What I have learned while working at The Augsburg Fund is the importance of keeping the alumni updated on Augsburg. For example, I talk about the new Oren Gateway Center or speak about events such as the chocolate tasting event at the History Center. It’s fun to talk to alumni about what is happening on campus and to listen to them speak about their experiences.

Ember Russell ’11

Elementary education major

Has been a caller for two years

Q. Have you had any especially memorable calls?

A. I was talking with a lady who had studied elementary education. It was really interesting to hear how much the Education Department has changed! She gave me amazing advice on what to do when I graduate. I really enjoyed the call, and she made her very first donation to The Augsburg Fund!

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