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Soup for the heart and soul of Augsburg’s neighbors

Alumnus launches community meal program

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Five days a week, Minneapolis community members convene at Bethany Lutheran Church to dine on gourmet fare prepared as part of the Soup for You! Café—a program the Star Tribune recognized for its ability to redefine community outreach.

“Our model is mutuality, and what better way is there to show mutuality than to gather at the same table together?”
—The Rev. Mike Matson ’06, Star Tribune, April 5

Augsburg College alumnus, Chaplain to Student Athletes, and Linebacker Coach the Rev. Mike Matson ’06 is the pastor at Bethany Lutheran and the driver behind this community meal. Supported by volunteers and one talented chef, Soup for You! Café is a chance for people of all backgrounds to come together in an environment that focuses on dignity. In the Star Tribune article “Church program offers hot soup, warm welcome,” Matson underscored that the program is designed to bring together people from the many faiths and cultures of the Seward neighborhood.

Lutheran-coverWEB EXTRA: Augsburg College students, faculty, and staff find varied—and valuable—ways to lend their time and talents to support the Soup for You! Café. Auggie Jens Pinther ’15 contributed an article about the program to the June edition of The Lutheran magazine. The story included photos by Augsburg photographer Stephen Geffre.



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