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Alumni Board President’s Letter

Dear alumni and friends,

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Jill-watsonToday’s Augsburg College students seek to make a difference, and it’s been a privilege to interact with them as they gather to meet alumni, discuss vocation, and pick up targeted professional advice at recent events. Last fall, the Clair and Gladys Strommen Center for Meaningful Work hosted a Career and Internship Fair and welcomed young Auggies who sought to make connections with employers and internship hosts.

Shortly after the event, nearly two dozen Augsburg alumni returned to campus to join panel discussions about their academic and career stories across a range of disciplines and professions. These events were part of a five-week major and career exploration series that provided nearly 175 students the opportunity to explore a wide variety of degrees and occupations. This series was made successful thanks, in part, to the Augsburg College alumni who served as panelists. Thank you to all Auggies who shared your vocation and insight with students!

Most recently, I was humbled by the talent, drive, and thoughtfulness I saw all around me at the annual Alumni-Student Networking event in February, where hundreds of alumni mingled with current students and faculty, received free professional profile photos, and listened as alumni addressed the importance of informational interviewing, mentoring, and using social media to connect. Regardless of where we are in our professional lives, I think we all have something to offer to or gain from such events.

Events like these make me proud to be an Auggie. If you shared your experiences with students in the past year, you helped to inspire Auggie pride.

Whether you’re connecting with students, networking with graduates of all class years, contributing to The Augsburg Fund to support College initiatives, or planning a gift to fund an endowed scholarship, we are so grateful.

As Augsburg moves into the future, alumni can help the College live out its vision—to educate students for lives of purpose—across the disciplines, beyond the classroom, and around the world.

You can engage your employer in identifying Auggies as candidates for employment, internships, or mentorships by posting opportunities at your company on the AugPost job board found at

I joined the alumni board because I wanted to see Auggies help other Auggies and make a difference. Each time I attend an Augsburg event, I learn more about what current students are up to, and I want to do everything I can to help them succeed. Won’t you join me?

Jill Watson ’10 MBA, Alumni Board President


WEB EXTRA: View videos that illustrate the impact of student internships.

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