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New to the Alumni Board

New leadership in the Augsburg community

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Five Auggies elected to serve three-year terms on the Augsburg College Alumni Board will network with and mentor current Auggies, build community with alumni, and provide a vital link between the College and graduates.

Derek Francis ’08

School counselor, Minneapolis Public Schools

“Through the awesome community and volunteer opportunities at Augsburg, I realized I was passionate about working with youth. Augsburg’s value of service to the community transformed my life.”

Lori Higgins ’94, ’12 MAL

President, MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce

“I am eager to give back to the school that has given me so many opportunities, such as political internships with [former U.S. Rep.] Martin Sabo ’59 and MN Sen. Bill Luther, which began my career.”

Josh Krob ’08, ’15 MBA

Business development, Gravie

“A continuing passion of mine is to grow our networking efforts, both for employers and individuals as they connect with Auggie alumni.”

Janeece Oatman ’05

Development director, American Diabetes Association

“I have a passion for committee-building, and I am interested in networking opportunities, reconnecting with campus, and fellow Auggies.”

Brad Randall ’13

Mechanical maintenance planner, Xcel Energy

“As a graduate of Augsburg’s Adult Undergraduate program, I am interested in mentoring Augsburg alumni in all fields.”

Top image, back row [L to R]: Josh Krob ’08, ’15 MBA; Brad Randall ’13; Mary Prevost ’12 MBA; Cyrus Batheja ’08, ’10 MBA; Jay Howard ’03, Nick Rathmann ’03; Hanna Dietrich ’05; Rick Bonlender ’78; Patricia Jesperson ’95; Melissa (Daudt) Hoepner ’92; Howie Smith ’80, ’19 MAL; Marie (Eddy) Odenbrett ’01; Greg Schnagl ’91.

Front row [L to R]: Adrienne (Kuchler) Eldridge ’02; Meg (Schmidt) Sawyer ’00; Adriana Matzke ’13; Janeece Oatman ’05; Chau “Tina” Nguyen ’08; Jill Watson ’10 MBA.

Not pictured: Derek Francis ’08; Lori Higgins ’94, ’12 MAL; Nick Swanson ’09

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