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As of May 31, 2018, Augsburg University had annual realized and unrealized gains of 10.19 percent on the university endowment. The five-year average annual return on the endowment is 7.11 percent and the 10-year average annual return is 4.70 percent. Augsburg is committed to maintaining the value of the principal to provide support to the university in perpetuity.

The quality and value of Augsburg’s physical plant is on the rise. The largest recent
contributor is the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion, which was completed
in November 2017.
Augsburg University is stronger and more vibrant than ever.
Investments in priorities like scholarships, experiential learning, research, and faculty mentorship change the trajectories of students’ lives. We are deeply grateful for your generosity and the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends who helped Augsburg raise $18,187,380 during fiscal year 2017–18. The philanthropy of more than 9,400 donors will help the university attract talented students and the dedicated faculty and staff who teach and guide them.
This is What a Peace Scholar Looks Like
Lex Dorfman ’18 spent her summer in Norway studying alongside students from around the world. As one of two Peace Scholars selected at Augsburg this year and funded by the Hoversten Peace Scholarship and other donors, Dorfman’s time in Lillehammer and Oslo was part of a robust program designed to pair academic inquiry with real-world dialogue and to give students an introduction to the fi eld of conflict studies. For Dorfman, the Peace Scholar program aligns with many of the topics she’s explored throughout her college experience. Also an Augsburg Interfaith Scholar, Dorfman called on her own multicultural background to found a Hillel organization on campus and to foster new opportunities to build connections between people from diverse backgrounds. “Augsburg has offered me a personal, hands-on education,” she said. “I have been able to create an organization on campus, interview Jewish leaders, and collaborate with a variety of students because of Augsburg’s engaging and small-but-powerful community.”
This is What an All-American Looks Like
Alex Wilson ’19 can put the title “All-American” next to his name in two different contexts. Competing in his first NCAA Division III National Championship tournament last March, the Auggie wrestler earned All-American honors with a fifth-place finish at 149 pounds. He also was among eight Augsburg wrestlers to earn the Division III Scholar All-America distinction from the National Wrestling Coaches Association based on student-athletes’ GPAs. Whether he’s facing an opponent on the mat or looking to ace an exam, Wilson has a drive to excel that will serve him well as he applies to competitive graduate programs and pursues his dream of becoming a physician assistant. For Wilson, Augsburg is a place where there’s harmony between athletic and academic achievements. “Augsburg has helped me develop as a student and as an athlete by giving me all of the resources I would ever need to be successful,” Wilson said. “Faculty support creates an atmosphere where it is possible to succeed in whatever you do.”
This is What an Engaged Citizen Looks Like
Baoyia Kong ’19 has the guts to just dive in. When she studied at Augsburg’s Center for Global Education and Experience site in Cuernavaca, Mexico, the social work major interned at a grade school, helping administrators infuse inclusive practices into the school’s operations and culture—and honing her Spanish skills along the way. Whether studying in Minneapolis or Mexico, Kong sees Augsburg as “a community with so many opportunities.” Kong has enhanced her academic experience by seeking out opportunities beyond the classroom, completing an additional internship with Hennepin County, volunteering at a medical clinic in Augsburg’s Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, playing intramural volleyball, and joining the Augsburg Asian Student Association and Hmong Women Together campus organizations. Kong said her Augsburg experience has shaped her as a leader because the university encourages students to be engaged in topics that align with their passions and creates “spaces for all to grow and flourish in their education.”