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Quiz: Older or younger than Augsburg?

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In honor of Augsburg’s founding in 1869, the university is celebrating the past and the present with sesquicentennial events all year long. Think you know history? Test your knowledge: Identify whether each of the events below is older or younger than Augsburg.

1. The first recorded baseball game occurs.

2. Abolitionists Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman are born.

3. Leaders sign Norway’s constitution.

4. Abraham Lincoln serves as president of the United States.

5. Victor Hugo publishes the novel “Les Misérables.”

6. Pharmacist John Pemberton invents Coca-Cola.

7. The first automobile with an internal combustion engine is invented.

Answers: 1. Older; 1846. 2. Older; 1818 and 1822. 3. Older; 1814. 4. Older; 1861–65. 5. Older; 1862. 6. Younger; 1886. 7. Older; 1807.

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