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Augsburg alumni and roommates together for a wedding

Lifelong Auggie Friendships

Connections that flourished at Augsburg span across years and miles

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Auggies and their families gather for a group photo

[L to R]: Derek Francis ’08, Bryan Ludwig ’08, Greg Hildebrandt ’08, and Sama Sandy ’08 brought their families together for an evening of fun earlier this year. The group members tout themselves as the “1107 Family,” named for the number of the room they shared in Mortensen Residence Hall. The Facebook post from their meetup shows how a friendship between four Auggies became a close-knit group of 17.

A group of Auggies who celebrate life milestones together A group of Auggies who celebrate life milestones together gathered for the 70th birthday of  Sue Gibbons Casey ’71 [front, center]. She’s surrounded by [clockwise] Pam (Hermstad) Santerre (attended Augsburg 1968–69), Ginny (Dahlen) Baali ’72, Kris (Parbst) Rohde ’72, Kathy Quick ’72, Nancy (Olson) Hrdlicka ’72, and Linda (Engstrom) Akenson ’72.

Augsburg alumni and roommates gather or a group photo
Pictured are [front, L to R]: Stacy (Waterman) Newton ’01, Sara Thedinga ’01, Merry-Ellen (Krcil) Bryers ’01, and Ann (Peterson) Fisher ’01. [Back, L to R]: Amy Carlson ’01, Laura Waldon ’01, Emily (Brinkman) Waldon ’01, Jaime Kingsley Loso ’01, and Erica Huls ’01.
These Augsburg alumni and “5th Floor Girls” of Urness Tower initially reunited after their graduation at mini-reunions and holidays. In recent years, they took trips to destinations like Boston; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; and Stillwater, Minnesota.

Top Image: [L to R] Derek Francis ’08, Greg Hildebrandt ’08, Bryan Ludwig ’08, and Sama Sandy ’08

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