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How green is our magazine?

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April 2009 coverIn the process of writing and designing a “green” issue of the Augsburg Now, we asked ourselves what we could do to make the magazine itself more environmentally friendly. Using recycled paper and safe inks is an easy way to accomplish this, but we wanted to do more.

So, instead of adding more pages we’re utilizing one of the most valuable resources available to communicators and marketers—the World Wide Web.

This issue of the Augsburg Now is the second in which we’ve added web extras. These online features allow us to add material to tell richer, more creative stories than we can using print alone.

In this issue, we have added a story on sustainable study abroad, a growing trend in education. The story connects our readers to tools they can use to minimize their impact on the environment while traveling.

We also have a video interview with the professors and some of the students involved in the Sustainable Cities in North America course. On camera, they share their enthusiasm about the work they are doing to create a more sustainable Augsburg.

In the future, we will continue to use the internet to improve our communication with alumni and friends of Augsburg College. As we continue to expand Now online, we invite our readers to share ideas and feedback with us at

How green is our printing?

The paper used in the printing of this magazine is certified to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody standard and contains 10 percent post-consumer waste.

What does this mean?

FSC is an independent, non-governmental, nonprofit organization established to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. Through its certification program, foresters, paper manufacturers and distributors, and printers all agree to abide by strict standards. These standards are designed to ensure social, economic, and ecological needs are met for current and future generations. This Chain of Custody ensures responsible handling of the paper product from forest to printed piece.

The percentage of post-consumer content indicates that at least 10 percent of the paper in the magazine has been reclaimed from what would have otherwise ended up in a land fill.

FSC Chain of Custody can trace a printed piece back through the production process to identify where the wood pulp came from. Read more in Augsburg NOW — made (mostly) in Minnesota about where this magazine had its roots and how our corporate partners are committed to being green.

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