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Meet Pat Grans — Augsburg’s volunteer coordinator

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Pat GransFor Pat Grans, volunteering is a passion. As the new volunteer coordinator for the Office of Alumni and Constituent Relations, she helps Augsburg alumni and friends find opportunities that spark their passions and connect them with the College.

Since April, Augsburg students have been meeting one-on-one with alumni in Project IGNITE, a program funded by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to reconnect Auggie alumni with the College. The students learn more about the role Augsburg has played in the alum’s life, both as a student and an alum. The students also talk about opportunities for volunteering, and alumni who are interested are contacted by Grans.

Grans is also developing a program to track the time and work of current alumni volunteers so that their service can be recognized. She is contacting past volunteers and meeting with program directors who have strong volunteer groups already in place to help them track and recognize the service given to them by volunteers.

Volunteering is a great way to stay connected to Augsburg and former classmates. If you have questions or interest, contact Grans at or 612-330-1329.

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