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Meet Our Augsburg Fund callers

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ItTakesanAuggieTwice a year, in September and in February, the Augsburg Fund student callers make phone calls to alumni asking them to donate to the Augsburg Fund. Their goal is to raise $130,000 this fiscal year—funds that meet the current needs of the College, including scholarships, curriculum development, student-oriented activities, and technology.

If you haven’t received a call from one of our student callers and would like to make a gift to the Augsburg Fund, go to to make a secure online gift or call 612-330-1613.

Kaleb Williams ’13

Major: Public relations and advertising

Hometown: Lakeville, Minn.

Activities and interests: Football

Interesting fact about me: I always say I’m like an old black man; I have an old soul. I think I would have fit in well in the 60s or 70s.

Favorite things about Augsburg and the city: It’s such a diverse place, and everyone seems to get along well. Every day I feel like I meet someone new.

Favorite Augsburg experience: The football game last season against St. Thomas. It was a home game, and the stands were packed. At the time, we were the top two teams in the MIAC, so it was pretty exciting.

Anya Cleaver ’14

Major: Political science, minors in German and communication studies

Hometown: Technically, Buxton, England

Activities and interests: Queer and Straight in Unity (QSU), Echo newspaper, Augsburg Atheist and Secular Humanist group

Interesting fact about me: I moved to Minnesota at age 12 from a town outside of Manchester, England, because England is drab and rainy.

Favorite things about Augsburg and the city: I’m a film buff, and I love the independent movie theaters. I also like the riverfront and Harriet Island in St. Paul.

My favorite Augsburg experience: I was a summer orientation leader and got to connect with many students from different backgrounds. It helped me learn about being more inclusive, and I made a lot of friends.

Katherine Walker ’12

Major: International relations, minor in peace and global studies and religion

Hometown: Brainerd, Minn.

Activities and interests: Study Japanese, volunteer tutor, editor for the Honors Review

Interesting fact about me: I plan to go to Vietnam this summer to teach English at the British Embassy.

Favorite things about Augsburg and the city: I love Augsburg’s emphasis on community service. I think that if I had gone to another college, it wouldn’t have given me such an introduction to the community. I feel like I live in this neighborhood; I don’t just go to school here.

Favorite Augsburg experience: I went to El Salvador to take a class over winter break two years ago with assistant religion professor Matt Maruggi. We studied liberation theology, and we got to interact with local people, community activists, and religious leaders. We stayed in a small self-sufficient community in the middle of the jungle, and there were baby pigs running around.

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