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Portrait of Samantha Lopez ’22

Augsburg receives $50,000 grant for Travelers EDGE®

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The Travelers Companies, Inc. gave a $50,000 grant to Augsburg University in September 2020 to support Travelers EDGE. The program—which stands for Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment—provides scholarships, internships, job shadowing, professional development opportunities, and career advice. More than 100 Augsburg students have participated in the program since 2007.

“There is much more to be gained from Travelers EDGE than solely professional development,” said Ann A. Ulring, program manager at Augsburg’s Strommen Center for Meaningful Work. “By the time scholars graduate, they are confident, career-focused, and empowered to share who they are and what they have to offer.”

EDGE scholar Samantha Lopez ’22, who completed a summer internship at Travelers, said, “Travelers has opened so many doors for me. It was amazing to learn firsthand what goes on inside a corporation and find out I can do the work. Travelers provided me with the support, skills, and confidence I need to pursue a business career.”

2020–21 Recipients

Head shot of Aaron Davis
Aaron Davis ’24, Business Management
Head shot of Yer Her
Yer Her ’23, Marketing
Head shot of Pa Houa Lee
Pa Houa Lee ’23, Marketing
Head shot of Hamza Jamari
Hamza Jamari ’22, Marketing
Head shot of Duaa Katabay '23
Duaa Katabay ’23, Business Management
Head shot of Curtis Love
Curtis Love ’23, Marketing
Head shot of Samantha Lopez
Samantha Lopez ’22, Communication Studies
PangDao Xiong '24
PangDao Xiong ’24, Marketing

View more grants news.

Top image: Samantha Lopez ’22 is one of several Travelers EDGE scholars at Augsburg. (Photos by Courtney Perry)

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