Inspired Design
Rooted in Augsburg’s Heritage and Built for the Future“Augsburg sees science as a search for meaning, a collaboration with nature, and a quest for quantitative understanding.” This statement was captured in a 2007 “science credo” authored by Augsburg… more >
Making history visible
In the basement of Wilson Library at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, a team of researchers is working to map the history of racial segregation in Minneapolis. The group… more >
Another five years of serving scholars
Every year, more than two dozen undergraduate students participate in Augsburg’s McNair Scholars Program, an intensive 21 months of graduate school preparation that opens doors to some of the… more >
Where faith and public life meet
It is no secret that the gap between young adults and Christian congregations is widening. The good news, though, is that young people are not rejecting faith or religion; many… more >
Augsburg University
Small to our students and big for the worldOn September 1, “Augsburg College” officially will become “Augsburg University”—a change approved by both the Board of Regents and the Augsburg Corporation. For generations of Augsburg alumni and friends… more >
The space to learn
A 20-year vision for campusLeadership and conflict
Graduate students study global compassion at Nobel Peace Prize ForumConflict is a pervasive characteristic of human interaction. This is the opening line of the summer syllabus for Augsburg College’s Master of Arts in Leadership course, “Navigating Local &… more >