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Laura Swanson Lindahl '15 MBA

101 posts

Minnesota Urban Debate League receives renewed support from three area foundations

Minnesota Urban Debate League receives renewed support from three area foundations

The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, entered the 2018–19 school year with a full head of steam thanks to funding and partnership support from three… more >

Augsburg Achieves LEED Gold Certification

Augsburg Achieves LEED Gold Certification

for Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion

Augsburg University’s new signature interdisciplinary building—the Norman and Evangeline Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion—achieved Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the U… more >

Building Bonds, Strengthening Community

Building Bonds, Strengthening Community

Father and son John Evans ’82 and Kristian Evans ’19 find volunteer opportunity unites their Augsburg legacy and desire to serve

This year, John and Kristian Evans started their Thursday mornings off right … and left. At the 6 a.m. DinoMights practices in the Augsburg Ice Arena, young players sometimes… more >

Celebrating student success

Celebrating student success

Augsburg students earned a range of prestigious accolades during the 2017-18 academic year, including the following: Record six Augsburg students receive Fulbright awards Holly Kundel ’19 is named… more >

Augsburg Named Champion School by Special Olympics Minnesota

Augsburg Named Champion School by Special Olympics Minnesota

This fall, Augsburg was honored as Champion School of the Year by Special Olympics Minnesota. The award is given to a school or university that outperforms expectations in terms of… more >

Augsburg Receives Funding for River Semester

Augsburg Receives Funding for River Semester

Augsburg University received $30,000 from Pentair for the River Semester, a high-impact educational program that combines rigorous coursework with an immersive field experience. Sixteen students will travel in… more >