President’s Letter
Abundance at Augsburg
2015 is off to a remarkable start at Augsburg! The announcement on the facing page about the $10 million gift to name the Center for Science, Business, and Religion certainly… more >
Notes from President Pribbenow
Semper reformanda—the gift of reformationI am writing these notes on Reformation Day—October 31—the occasion on which we celebrate the legacy of our Lutheran Christian tradition and the ways in which that legacy… more >
An alternative narrative of higher education
Our colleague, Harry Boyte, who heads Augsburg’s Center for Democracy and Citizenship, recently argued in The Huffington Post that America needs an alternative narrative of higher education, one that… more >
Reflective practice
As I write, I am on my way back to Minneapolis after spending meaningful time at our Center for Global Education campus in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and my mind and heart… more >
“Big for the world …”
In this issue of Augsburg Now, you will find a summary of Augsburg 2019, a strategic framework developed over the past several months with the involvement of Regents, faculty, staff… more >
Faithful and Relevant
During the past several months, Augsburg’s Board of Regents has invited the campus community into a strategic mapping process focused on our priorities and aspirations leading up to the… more >
Doing the work
Campus is still buzzing with excitement about the generous $10 million donation that will support the Center for Science, Business, and Religion. This unprecedented gift profoundly honors the important work… more >
Stewardship of place and people
The Augsburg College mission statement says that Augsburg “educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders.” These aspirations for our students require that all of… more >
The Augsburg Promise
BY PAUL C. PRIBBENOW, PRESIDENT As I recently watched our almost 1,000 graduates of the Augsburg Class of 2012 walk across the stage to receive diplomas, I couldn’t… more >
Innovation and excellence
As I write this, there is much conversation around the country about President Obama’s challenge to colleges and universities to stem tuition increases and make higher education more accessible… more >