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Connecting the dots for good

Connecting the dots for good

By Bryan Barnes “I read this article in Time magazine, interviewing all of these 80- and 90-year-old people,” said Jacquie Berglund ’87. “The overwhelming feedback from their question… more >

Learning to learn – without any A, B, Cs

By Jeff Shelman It isn’t quite a chicken or egg kind of question, but it is an academic conundrum along the same line. Just how important are grades on… more >

In the neighborhood

By Jeff Shelman We believe we are called to serve our neighbor. That is Augsburg’s statement of institutional vocation. Live the experience. Love the city. Learn by living. Those… more >

Pursuing an ideal education

By Wendi Wheeler ’06 Imagine your ideal college education. What classes would you take? Who would teach them? What kind of students would you study with? What activities would… more >

Lutefisk, a log cabin, and a 50-year legacy

By Betsey Norgard On a cold, crisp February morning, photographer Stephen Geffre and I follow Jim Pederson ’56 through ankle-deep snow up a slope to a small log cabin… more >

Fall 2009 Web Extras

Homecoming 2009 Alumni Awards Campus Kitchen—Youth Philanthropy Award Admission Possible Students… more >

My Auggie Experience: Donnarose Storer-Markoe ’10

From May 12–June 14, 25 students traveled to New Zealand and the Cook Islands studying Biodiversity and Environmental Politics, led by biology professor and native New Zealander Brian Corner… more >

From tending flocks…to tending phlox

By Betsey Norgard At age 77, Herb Chilstrom ’54 got an offer he couldn’t refuse. The retired ELCA presiding bishop was invited to serve as interim director of the… more >

Campus Kitchen wins youth philanthropy award

By Betsey Norgard Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen program was honored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals with the Outstanding Youth Award for 2009 at National Philanthropy Day in Minneapolis in… more >

Whitney Holman—all-around athlete and scholar

By Don Stoner Whitney Holman was an outstanding student both in the classroom and on the athletic fields in multiple sports in high school. She had received notice from many… more >