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Class of 2023

From a small-town book club to paddling the Mississippi River, learning gets bigger outside the classroom

From a small-town book club to paddling the Mississippi River, learning gets bigger outside the classroom

Experiential education immerses students in a nuanced world

Just outside Hallock, Minnesota, in the skies that stretch above dormant sugar beet fields, charged solar particles meet the earth’s magnetic shield, exciting those atoms into the awe that… more >

The hustle and heart of Augsburg football coach Jack Osberg ’62

The hustle and heart of Augsburg football coach Jack Osberg ’62

At 81, he still goes the extra mile for student-athletes—and now they’re backing him through the toughest contest of his life

Minneapolis native Jack Osberg ’62 played football from the time he was a kid in the alleys and parks of Minneapolis until his college years, and he entered Augsburg’s… more >

What it takes to fight a pandemic: Research and health care (Part 2)

What it takes to fight a pandemic: Research and health care (Part 2)

From parking lots and phone calls to hospitals and research labs, Auggies use a multifaceted approach to confront the global crisis of a lifetime