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Lisa Renze-Rhodes

6 posts

Creating connections

Creating connections

New data science major gives students an opportunity to make sense out of copious amounts of complicated information.

Driving directions on a cell phone, coupons for 25 cents off pretzels at the grocery store, and weather alerts warning of potentially serious storms share one common thread: data. From… more >

Be the change

Be the change

Environmental activism takes many forms for Auggie advocates

Wildfires raging across hundreds of thousands of acres cause devastating environmental and property damage. No matter if someone is watching from the next town or from thousands of miles away… more >

Sowing seeds for tomorrow

Sowing seeds for tomorrow

Many alumni focused on environmental justice credit their depth of understanding to opportunities they received at Augsburg. Monica McDaniel, Augsburg’s sustainability officer, said the university community uses a… more >

From a small-town book club to paddling the Mississippi River, learning gets bigger outside the classroom

From a small-town book club to paddling the Mississippi River, learning gets bigger outside the classroom

Experiential education immerses students in a nuanced world

Just outside Hallock, Minnesota, in the skies that stretch above dormant sugar beet fields, charged solar particles meet the earth’s magnetic shield, exciting those atoms into the awe that… more >

The Scandinavian work ethic that inspired the Augsburg Associates’ decades of service

The Scandinavian work ethic that inspired the Augsburg Associates’ decades of service

Though the Augsburg Associates group has ended, the impact of volunteer work over 37 years resonates
Face value

Face value

Art installations celebrate individuals, expound on Augsburg’s history, and expand the boundaries of community.

Dakota and Ojibwe. Norwegian and Irish. Somali and Ethiopian. On and around the land that today houses Augsburg University’s Minneapolis campus, they celebrated births and mourned deaths. They spoke… more >