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Spring–Summer 2019

In memoriam

In memoriam

Gertrude E. (Larson) Franzen ’43, Hastings, Nebraska, age 97, on February 1. Milton L. Anderson ’44, Willmar, Minnesota, age 96, on October 29. Lorna M. (Wilberg) Sanders ’47, Sioux Falls… more >

From The Alumni Board President

From The Alumni Board President

Dear alumni and friends, The Augsburg University Alumni Board supports the university’s mission by finding meaningful ways for our members to contribute their time, talent, and treasure. Members meet… more >

Pick the pattern

Pick the pattern

Denielle Stepka ’11, a senior creative associate at Augsburg, has created patterns for elegant neckties, scarves, and—of course—bow ties inspired by art from around campus, Augsburg’s “A… more >

Participate in the sesquicentennial musical

Participate in the sesquicentennial musical

Among the many faculty-led projects in development to celebrate Augsburg’s 150th anniversary is a new work of musical theater about the university community, past and present, to be… more >

Hagfors Center transforms Auggie experience

Hagfors Center transforms Auggie experience

It’s been three years since Augsburg University broke ground on the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion, and 16 months since the facility opened for classes. These… more >