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Augsburg Now to remain name of College magazine

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151006-now-thought-ages--013This summer, members of the Augsburg College community were invited to consider whether the College’s magazine name, Augsburg Now, aligned with and supported the publication’s purpose and key roles. A survey allowed people to share feedback on the magazine’s existing name and to consider whether two options, Augsburg Experience and Augsburg Spirit, would be better. The results from the survey point us toward retaining the name Augsburg Now. There clearly is an established resonance with the current name, which uplifts the publication’s ability to:

  • Foster inspiration and pride.
  • Provide intellectual stimulation and ongoing education.
  • Bridge the Augsburg of today with people’s past experiences.
  • Define and illustrate what it means to be an “Auggie.”
  • Help the Augsburg community learn how to talk about itself and equip individuals to advocate for the College.

We appreciate the opportunity for conversation on the magazine name and are grateful to all those who took time to participate in this process.

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