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You chimed in: favorite faculty in focus

Augsburg Now staff asked the university’s Facebook followers for their most memorable professors. Here are a few of their responses, edited for length and clarity.

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lowe headshotMary Lowe—I had a lot of memorable professors, most of them dear to me, but she and I worked so closely together in my last years of my degree that I cannot think of Augsburg without thinking of her. She is a wonderful, insightful, funny mentor who held me accountable and helped me reach heights I wouldn’t have dreamed of initially.”



Maruggi headshot“Oh, do I have to choose? Matthew Maruggi in the Religion Department—he completely changed how I looked at religion, opened my mind to new perspectives, and taught me the meaning of ‘vocation.’”



klemp headshot

Merilee Klemp ’75—So many lessons learned from her, both music and life. It’s impossible to forget those in your life who have taught, pushed, encouraged, and mentored as well as she does. She’s an incredible human being with such a kind, wonderful soul. Thank you for everything!”



Kristing headshotKristin Anderson—I wouldn’t be where I am in my career without her! She taught me how to think critically about the built environment, ask the hard questions, and think about all of my research from the standpoint of race, class, and gender. She’s one of the smartest women I’ve ever known.”


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