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Auggie Days

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City Service Day — September 4, 2012

picture of students on city service dayEvery year on the day before fall semester classes begin, first-year and new undergraduate transfer students in the day program participate in City Service Day projects in the neighborhoods surrounding campus.

Students are organized into “AugSem” groups according to their anticipated fields of study. The purpose of AugSem is to help new students embrace the learning community at Augsburg by encountering the community, engaging in the learning process, and exploring their academic interests. Students meet with their AugSem faculty and student leaders throughout their first semester.

More than 400 students, faculty, and staff served at 20 locations throughout the community on City Service Day. See more photos on the Augsburg College flickr photostream.

New Auggie tradition begins with Class of 2016

picture of students in Downtown West neighborhood

Picture this:

Hoversten Chapel is packed with nearly 400 first-year students, excited about beginning their Augsburg classes after a week of Auggie Days orientation activities.

They are grouped into the “neighborhoods” they’ve been connected to since their summer orientation: Cedar-Riverside, Downtown East, Downtown West, Hiawatha, Loring Park, Midtown

Phillips, Powderhorn Park, Seward, and University.

They’ve just learned who won each of the events they competed in during the Neighborhood Challenge, one of the most highly anticipated activities of

Auggie Days:

  • Auggie Pride for the neighborhood that sported the most Augsburg bling—shirts, buttons, lanyards, and more!
  • Scavenger Hunt all across campus
  • Knowledge Bowl about Auggie trivia, which is not so trivial after all
  • Pie-Eating Contest
  • Obstacle Course through a giant inflatable bounce house in Murphy Square park
  • Water Relay celebrating the Land of 10,000 Lakes

In the chapel, they begin shouting their neighborhood cheers, trying to drown out every other neighborhood.

The orientation leaders (OLs), a group of 18 returning students who have guided, encouraged, and supported these first-year students, file up to the front of the chapel. They are welcomed with thunderous applause.

And then, the big finale comes, thanks to biology professor Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright (called “Dr. B” by her students). It’s the call-back cheer she originated.

OLs: We are called!

First-years: AUGGIES!!!

OLs: We are called!

First-years: AUGGIES!!!

OLs: We are called!

First-years: AUGGIES!!!

Can’t you just hear it? It’s a new year marked by a new tradition.

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