It Takes an Auggie
Gift to future students allows son’s memory to live on at Augsburg
“Nathan Schott’s life is an inspiration to me, and I’m humbled and honored to receive a scholarship in his name, a scholarship that is about… more >
Meet Our Augsburg Fund callers
Twice a year, in September and in February, the Augsburg Fund student callers make phone calls to alumni asking them to donate to the Augsburg Fund. Their goal is to… more >
A continuing legacy of public service
By Rebecca John It is hard to imagine a career more dedicated to public service and civic engagement than that of Martin Sabo ’59. One year after graduating from… more >
Visionary leadership in support of student success
By KAYLA SKARBAKKA ’09 In 1984, Skip and Barbara Gage’s oldest son, Geoff, made an unexpected choice. Though he had been determined to attend school in California… more >
A gift for the future
By Kayla Skarbakka ’09, guest writer Dean Sundquist ’81 has witnessed a few changes to Augsburg’s campus since his days as an undergraduate business major. He describes how, in… more >
The student phonathon – dialing for Augsburg dollars
On any given night, alumni and friends of Augsburg might receive a call from a student who is working to secure donations to The Augsburg Fund. We asked some of… more >
StepUP® parents are grateful for support to students and families
When Maureen and Harold Thompson realized their daughter Anne was not going to graduate from high school with her friends, they were devastated but not surprised. They knew that something… more >
A young woman meets her many grandmothers
BY WENDI WHEELER ’06 Last year, Krystal Mattison ’10 studied in Korea. Many students who study abroad are profoundly affected by the experience. For Mattison, a history and American… more >
Fall 2009 Web Extras
Homecoming 2009 Alumni Awards Campus Kitchen—Youth Philanthropy Award Admission Possible Students… more >
Campus Kitchen wins youth philanthropy award
By Betsey Norgard Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen program was honored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals with the Outstanding Youth Award for 2009 at National Philanthropy Day in Minneapolis in… more >