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Confronting the health care shortage

Confronting the health care shortage

With new grant, Augsburg students provide health care to rural and underserved communities.

It’s later in the evening, but Augsburg physician assistant student Alyssa Raiolo ’23 happily takes the time to journal. Gratitude flows into her as she reflects on the experiences… more >

Artful connections

Artful connections

The Augsburg Galleries create meaningful experiences for students, artists, and the community.

Olivia House ’20 knew something was bubbling up inside of her—something she had to get out. “Everyone was finally decompressing from a lot of what had happened in 2020… more >

‘History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes’

‘History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes’

Augsburg’s history department makes the past relevant to the future.

Kay Carvajal ’23 grew up surrounded by stories—her parents’ journey from Mexico to Minneapolis, her neighbors’ traditions, and her friends’ dreams for better. “Our lives are stories, and collectively… more >

An educator and catalyst for change

An educator and catalyst for change

Minnesota First Lady Gwen Walz focuses on equity and civic engagement in her partnership with Augsburg.

In 2019, Minnesota First Lady Gwen Walz joined Augsburg University as special assistant to the president for strategic partnerships and as a fellow in the Sabo Center for Democracy and… more >

Creating connections

Creating connections

New data science major gives students an opportunity to make sense out of copious amounts of complicated information.

Driving directions on a cell phone, coupons for 25 cents off pretzels at the grocery store, and weather alerts warning of potentially serious storms share one common thread: data. From… more >

Meeting the needs

Meeting the needs

Auggies work to serve Twin Cities residents without homes

In separate efforts to help unhoused people in Minneapolis, two members of the Augsburg community take a similar approach. They ask a simple question: “What do you need?” Then, they… more >

Be the change

Be the change

Environmental activism takes many forms for Auggie advocates

Wildfires raging across hundreds of thousands of acres cause devastating environmental and property damage. No matter if someone is watching from the next town or from thousands of miles away… more >

Sowing seeds for tomorrow

Sowing seeds for tomorrow

Many alumni focused on environmental justice credit their depth of understanding to opportunities they received at Augsburg. Monica McDaniel, Augsburg’s sustainability officer, said the university community uses a… more >

All-female Hall of Fame class marks 50 years since passage of Title IX

All-female Hall of Fame class marks 50 years since passage of Title IX

Three Augsburg students walked into the office of Joyce Anderson Pfaff ’65 in the fall of 1972. “When are volleyball tryouts?” they asked the health and physical education instructor. Pfaff… more >