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Student & Alumni Networking Event


 Student & Alumni Networking Event

A reception for Augsburg students to connect

with Auggie alumni representing many careers.

Connect with fellow Auggies, support student success, and build your Auggie network!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 • 5:30−8 p.m.

Remarks by President Paul Pribbenow

Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center (map)
Augsburg College

Learn more about the Strommen Center’s Alumni Resources

and Augsburg Builds Connections mentorship program

auggie RSVP bar Registration is required.

Students register here

Students with questions, contact Sandy Tilton at the Strommen Center for Meaningful Work:

 612-330-1472 ~

Alumni with questions, contact Becky Waggoner: 612-330-1085 ~

alumni bar

David “DJ” Hamm ’08
Augsburg College

Sally Daniels Herron ’79
Augsburg College

Sara Schlipp-Riedel ’06
Augsburg College

Connect with a Current Auggie

strommenThe Strommen Center for Meaningful Work is a terrific resource for students on campus. If you haven’t looked into its work in helping students develop the skills, habits of mind, and values that are the foundation for life choices, career success, and active citizenship, please do so. There are so many ways that alumni can support our students on their vocational journey.

Alumni are a critical way that students can connect with internships, learn about employment opportunities and how to navigate the hiring process. Ultimately, the Strommen Center works to help students find their own meaningful work. Be sure to check out the upcoming event’s on the Strommen Center’s website, or contact programming coordinator Sandy Tilton (612-330-1472; or DJ Hamm (612-330-1329; to find out more.

As an Augsburg alum, how can I help?

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