Meet Mark Sedio ’76. Mark currently serves as cantor at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis and as the Augsburg University organist.
How did Augsburg shape your path?
I entered Augsburg with the intention of majoring in Russian and psychology. After one semester, it became clear that the music department was “home.” The solid foundation in choral music, organ, and music theory that I received at Augsburg propelled me through a few years of teaching middle and high school, graduate school at the University of Iowa and Luther Seminary, and a 40-year career in church music. Over the past years I have had the honor of “giving back” to Augsburg through teaching worship and music as an adjunct; conducting Augsburg Choir from 2016 to 2018, Cedar Singers, and Masterworks Chorale; and serving as university organist. Augsburg continues to be a huge part of my life.
What makes you excited to give back to Augsburg as an alum?
I am exceedingly proud of how Augsburg has adapted to its surroundings and neighborhood in the heart of Minneapolis and how it has kept an eye and heart to its tradition and history. Its diversity, programs like StepUP, and campus ministry all make Augsburg such a unique place among private institutions of learning—especially among our ELCA colleges.
What is a favorite memory of your time at Augsburg?
Right now a group of alumni from the 1975 Augsburg Choir tour to Norway and Sweden are meeting by Zoom to plan a 50th reunion that will take place on campus this coming Syttende Mai (May 17). Augsburg’s music department—specifically the choir—had a lasting impact on me as a professional musician and as a person. I treasure so many memories from this and other choir tours. It’s hard to believe that so many friendships I made as a student half a century ago have continued to be so strong, supportive and nurturing.
Thank you, Mark!