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Student Organization Handbook (Policies)

The Student Organization Handbook aims to provide information and guidance on University policies pertaining to the rights, roles, and responsibilities that student organizations have. Please click on the links below to view each specific section.



  1. Student Organization Handbook Purpose
    • Purpose of student organization policies, how to contact Campus Life staff

Student Organization Requirements

  1. Requirements to Register as a Student Organization
    • What qualifies a student organization for registration by the University, what is required in a student organization constitution
  2. Officers and Members
    • Qualifications and requirements of student organization officers, qualifications for student organization members
  3. Hazing Policy
    • Definition of hazing, consequences of engaging in hazing activities
  4. Advisors
    • Responsibilities of student organization advisors, how to select and to approve student organization advisors
  5. Starting a New Student Organization
    • How to start a new student organization at Augsburg University
  6. Re-Registering a Student Organization
    • What student organization re-registration is, how and when to re-register a student organization
  7. Commissioned Student Organizations
    • What is a commissioned organization, requirements for recognition by Day Student Government, application process
  8. Echo
    • What “freedom of the press” means at Augsburg, how the Echo is financed, how to advertise in the Echo
  9. Rescinding Registration by Day Student Government
    • How and why Day Student Government would rescind registration of a Day student organization, if applicable
  10. Student Organization Accountability Process
    • How student organizations are held accountable for policy violations at the University, how the hearing process works, what sanctions are possible for student organizations, how to appeal decisions and sanctions
  11. Student Organization Appeals Process
    • What issues qualify for appeal by student organizations, what issues qualify for appeal by student organization officers or members, how and when to appeal to Campus Life or the Day Student Government Judicial Board

Student Government

  1. Authority
    • Recognition of Day Student Government by Augsburg University as the representative body of Day Students
  2. Elections and Appointments
    • Qualifications to serve on Day Student Government, what positions are available to run for in elections, how to run in elections, what happens if a student violates University policies during campaigning, how students are notified of results, how to appeal election results or sanctions as a result of violating campaign policies
  3. Recordkeeping
    • What needs to be included in Day Student Government minutes, how Day Student Government minutes should be distributed to the broader Augsburg community
  4. Dormancy
    • When and how Campus Life would take over the responsibilities of Day Student Government (in the event there are a lack of members), how Day Student Government would be reactivated from dormancy
  5. Resolutions Process
    • What a resolution is, how students can submit a non-binding resolution for consideration to be voted on by the Day Student Body, how resolutions are reviewed and approved
  6. Referenda and Recalls
    • How to call for a Day Student Body election that overturns a decision made by Day Student Government, how to recall a Day Student Government officer

Finance Policies

  1. Grants for Student Organizations
    • What types of events qualify for student organization funding, grant application and review process, restrictions on grants, returning unused funds, what happens when student organizations overspend a grant, how to request emergency funds
  2. Annual Budgets for Student Organizations
    • What student organization budgets can be used for, application and review process for budgets, where budgeted monies go at the end of fiscal year, what happens when student organizations overspend their budget
  3. Stipends for Student Organization Officers
    • Who qualifies for a student organization officer stipend, how stipend amounts are set, how stipend amounts are reviewed each semester, how to appeal one’s stipend amount
  4. Fundraising
    • Where to deposit fundraised monies, restrictions around on-campus fundraising, where fundraised monies go at the end of fiscal year
  5. Purchase of Property
    • How to store and label property that is purchased for a student organization
  6. Spending Funds
    • How to obtain student organization monies, what is taxed or not taxed, limits on purchasing, who can access student organization monies, who to contact for questions about finances

Event Planning

  1. Accessibility Statement and Accommodations
    • Accessibility statement to include on all event promotions, how to request accommodations for an event
  2. Protocols for Student Organization Events
    • Public health protocols that need to be taken by student organizations before and during an event, what it means if an attendee is vaccinated or unvaccinated against COVID-19
  3. Planning a Major Event
    • What is a “major event,” how to start planning a major event on campus, requirements for advisor attendance, permission for non-Augsburg individuals to attend on-campus events
  4. Room Reservations
    • Who is eligible to reserve a room on campus, how to reserve rooms
  5. Table Reservations
    • Who is eligible to reserve a table on campus, how to reserve tables
  6. Major Off-Campus Local Events
    • How to request approval for off-campus events that are close to Augsburg’s Minneapolis campus
  7. Contracts
    • Who is eligible to sign contracts at the University, how contracts are reviewed and approved
  8. Offers to Speakers and Performers
    • What to include in an offer to a speaker or performer, who is authorized to sign an offer letter, how offers are created and reviewed
  9. Food and Beverages
    • Where student organizations can purchase food for on-campus events, restrictions on food and beverage service
  10. Copyrighted Works
    • When student organizations need to get permission (and purchase the rights) to screen a movie, video game, and/or music; penalties for screening copyrighted works without getting permission
  11. Contests, Raffles, and Tournaments
    • Defining contests of chance vs. contests of skill, which contests of chance are legal and illegal
  12. Donation Boxes
    • How to get permission to do a donation drive on campus, where donations boxes can be placed on campus
  13. Stunting
    • Requirements for performing stunts at student organization events

Marketing and Communications

  1. A-Mail
    • How to post in A-Mail
  2. Augsburg Branding Policy
    • When student organizations can use “Augsburg University” name, logos, and/or photos
  3. Digital Display Screens
    • How to request advertisements for the digital display screens across campus
  4. Floor Signs
    • How to request floor sign placements in Christensen Center
  5. Inside Augsburg Calendar
    • How to make an event appear on the Inside Augsburg Calendar
  6. Sidewalk Chalking
    • How to get approval to sidewalk chalk on campus, requirements for sidewalk chalking, how to clean up
  7. Social Media and Electronic Communication
    • Definition of social media and electronic communication, providing access to social media accounts to advisors and officers, social media guidelines
  8. Student Lobbying and Political/Campaign Activities
    • Political activities that are allowed and prohibited by student organizations
  9. Commencement Regalia
    • Student organizations cannot purchase stoles, cords, or other regalia for use at commencement

Campus Resources

  1. Auggie Room
    • Purpose of Auggie Room, hours of operation, expectations of use
  2. Lockers and Storage Space
    • How student organizations can reserve lockers and/or additional storage space, requirements of lockers/storage space
  3. Office Space
    • Rooms available for student organization use, access to rooms, expectations of use
  4. Technology Services
    • How student organizations can request a technology services such as an Augsburg email or Google Shared Drive, expectations of use

Off-Campus Travel

  1. Definition of “Off-Campus Travel”
    • What “off-campus travel” means for student organizations
  2. Travel Waiver Requirement
    • All Augsburg students attending a student organization event paid for using University dollars must complete a Travel Waiver Form
  3. Guidelines for Accompanying Faculty or Staff
    • When faculty or staff must attending an off-campus student organization event, when and how student organizations can be granted an exemption from having a faculty or staff member accompany them, expectations of faculty or staff members accompanying student organizations during off-campus travel
  4. Unit Rentals
    • Individuals making reservations through unit rental services are personally liable for any incidents that occur
  5. Transportation Policies
    • When students, staff, or faculty may use their own vehicles; prohibition of mobile device use except in cases of emergency; how to request gas/mileage reimbursement; how to reserve rental cars/vans, buses, or airfare