Thinking about starting a student organization at Augsburg? Here are the steps you want to take:
- Create a constitution for your student organization, and email it to as an editable Google document. If you are unfamiliar with what a constitution is, click here to find out what Augsburg University requires you to include, as well as for a copy of a sample constitution. This constitution must be approved by Campus Life before you go to Step 2.
- Complete the New Student Organization Application through the Auggie Life platform. Select “Register a New Organization” and follow the listed steps.
The pplication to create a new student organization for the 2024-2025 academic year runs from August 1, 2024 – February 16, 2025. After that date, you will be directed to start the process for the following academic year.
After you have submitted these two things, Campus Life will review your application and constitution and get back to you with next steps about getting your student organization registered!
Student Organization Benefits
Registering as a student organization at Augsburg comes with a number of benefits, including:
- Applying for grant funding and annual budgets (Day Student Organizations only).
- Reserving facilities, equipment, and tables on campus for free.
- Advertising and posting capabilities on campus.
- Requesting access to a Google Shared Drive.
- Requesting storage space on campus.
- Using free arts and crafts supplies for events and advertising.
- Participating in University-sponsored events, including Activity Fairs, Orientation, Homecoming, etc.
- Using University resources, if requested and approved.